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As online traffic is becoming more critical to brands in a socially distant world, Baidu is putting more resources toward improving mobile websites and apps with more people active on their phones than ever before.

One signal of this truth is that Baidu updated its link submission tool in mid-May, making it easier for you to submit your sites for indexation. While its mobile indexation tool is still in beta, we can predict that it will be given priority once launched.

Here, we give a quick overview of Baidu’s link submission tool update.

Baidu Indexation Tool: Before + After

Below are screenshots that show the indexation tool before the update and after:

Before: Baidu Link Submit Tool

After: Baidu Normal Indexation Tool

The previous version was called the link submit tool. The new version is called the normal indexation tool, which webmasters can still use to accelerate indexation of websites.

Baidu Indexation: Mobile

Baidu also added a new tool called rapid indexation. While it is still in beta, it looks quite similar to Baidu’s existing mobile indexation tool, which means that once launched, you should still be able to still closely follow the steps listed in our article on using Baidu’s mobile platform tool to accelerate indexation of your mobile site.

The new mobile indexation tool (the gray tab in the red box pictured above) is situated above the new normal indexation tool (the blue tab in the red box pictured above), which we predict means Baidu will give mobile indexation greater priority once the tool fully launches.

Baidu Rapid Indexation Tool

For now, Baidu’s new mobile indexation tool is still in test mode, open only for invited users. But it does show Baidu’s intention for mobile-friendly—and even mobile-first—indexation in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates as Baidu launches its new rapid indexation tool for mobile.


With masses having migrated to mobile during social distancing, the trend is expected to continue in China even as economies and offline activities are reopening and recovering. It is now more critical than ever to reach Chinese users where they are: online and engaged on mobile devices.

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