Qihoo 360 has accelerated its commercialization with paid search platform “DianQing” (360点晴营销平台). Qihoo had been collaborating with Google’s technology since late 2012, while simultaneously developing its own platform, when the company had been working closely with selected advertisers.
In March, internal source revealed that the company already has SEM agencies coverage in eight provinces, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan. Advertisers can select from three ad placement options: 搜索推广 (unofficial translation: “Search Promotion”), 品牌直达 (unofficial translation: Brand Express), and 猜你喜欢 (unofficial translation: “Guess-U-Like”).
Search Promotion is similar to Google AdWords with maximum 3 placements on the top of search results and maximum 8 on the side. Brand Express is similar to Baidu’s Brand Zone. Guess-U-Like ads are featured on Qihoo 360’s portal product instead.
Qihoo 360 has maintained strong market share in the past 6 months, while the relatively lower bid prices may be the main interest in attracting new advertisers.
DianQing paid search platform website is available at http://e.360.cn.
Source: http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2013-03-18/02548154644.shtml