According to DMC Media’s report released February 3, Naver gained 0.4% overall traffic in 2013.The other two biggest search engines, Daum and Nate lost 2.4% and 21.5% respectively.
Numbers for Sales revenue for 2013 look somewhat different. The two biggest search engines, Naver and Daum, managed to increase their revenues substantially in comparison to the previous year.
However, Nate has not been able to cash in, and experienced a revenue loss of nearly 50% in 2013.
For all search engines: More than 2/3 of all revenue was generated through search engine and display advertisement.
Looking at absolute numbers, Naver is earning 3 times more than Daum and SK combined. However, Daum’s relative growth of more than 20% is not negligible either.
The table below demonstrates this in absolute numbers: